We are excited to announce our 2024 fundraiser, a gun raffle with a total of 10 total prizes. Check out our raffle page here and contact us to purchase tickets. Drawing will be held on Columbus Day!

We are excited to announce our 2024 fundraiser, a gun raffle with a total of 10 total prizes. Check out our raffle page here and contact us to purchase tickets. Drawing will be held on Columbus Day!
We will be holding a Silent Auction as a fundraiser during the month of August 2021.
On behalf of the NGCRC, we are seeking donations for items to be auctioned. At this event, we will auction off gift cards, merchandise, Airbnb stays, memorabilia, and services generously donated by local businesses.
The event will take place online and will run for the entire month of August. The events proceeds will help elect Republican candidates who will represent our communities and values in government in northern Grafton County.
We would appreciate any donation you can make. Items should be new, and not worn, used, or damaged.
If you make a donation on behalf of your business we will recognize your business online at the auction site. If you so choose not to have your business named, we will also honor your request.
Our meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. on the 2nd Monday of every month at the Littleton Elks Lodge #1831. New members are always welcome.
If you have any questions regarding the NGCRC Silent Auction, please contact: Lynda Payette, NGCRC Fundraising Chairwoman at (603) 991-9598, or email lyndapayette@msn.com.
Deadline of all donations is July 1st. We would be more than happy to pick up your donation, just give Lynda a call or email. Donations can also be mailed to Lynda Payette, P.O. Box 750, Bethlehem, NH 03574.