We are excited to announce our 2024 fundraiser, a gun raffle with a total of 10 total prizes. Check out our raffle page here and contact us to purchase tickets. Drawing will be held on Columbus Day!
NGCRC January Meeting
The Northern Grafton County Republican Committee (NGCRC) is pleased to announce NH Dept. of Education Commissioner, Frank Edelblut, as our guest speaker on Tuesday, January 9, 2024 at 6:00 pm at the Littleton Senior Center,77 Riverglen Lane, Littleton, NH. Commissioner Edelblut will be speaking about education issues in New Hampshire, followed by questions from the audience. This presentation is open to the public.
Nick De Mayo, M. Ed., NGCRC, Chairman
NGCRC December Meeting
Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2023
Just a quick reminder of our up-coming NGCRC December Meeting on Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at 6:00 pm at the Littleton Senior Center, 77 Riverglen Lane, Littleton, NH.
We have our main guest speaker, GOP Primary Gubernatorial Candidate, Chuck Morse of Salem who was the former NH Senate President. This is an excellent opportunity for you to acquire his plans for New Hampshire if he is our eventual nominee, and Governor-elect. You will be able to ask questions which are important to you!
We also have a request from Ambrose Tierney, Regional Field Director for the Nikki Haley for President Campaign. Another great opportunity to learn her positions for President, and to ask questions.
All are welcome to attend this General Public Session.
Dues are due for renewal for calendar year 2024. $24.00 for Full Membership; $12.00 for Associate Membership.
Applications need to be filled out for new members.
Please contact Alice Arazny @ alicearazny@gmail.com if you can donate a refreshment dish for our Social ½ Hour.
Biden has made a pact with China this past week to start shutting down fossil fuel production. The US and China will implement green energy deployment at an accelerated pace. Needless to say, there was backlash regarding the impact it will have on US citizens. Also, China (and India) produce the most carbon emissions on the planet. China has a history of human rights violations as well as not holding up to their end of agreements. Is anyone naive enough to think that China would even consider adhering to this one?
The U.S. extended a sanctions waiver that is allowing Iran to access 10 billion dollars in frozen funds as long as they use it for humanitarian aid. I doubt very much that Iran will actually obey this agreement. Iran has forever been chanting “death to America, death to Israel”. This will only end up funding Iran’s proxies attack on our own military forces in the Middle East. Representative Mike Waltz stated that “it is absolutely outrageous the Biden Administration continues to find ways to send Iran money — especially from Iraq, where the same Iranian-backed militias who are targeting American forces increasingly run the show and are helping keep Iraq addicted to Iranian energy.” (Remember Obama also sent Iran (his buddies) 800 million in cash).
Biden also sent 100 million in aid to Gaza and the West Bank and warned Hamas against utilizing it for themselves instead. (Wow, I’m really sure he meant it.)
Biden also gave 235 million to Palestine in 2021, overturning Trump’s policy of cutting off all funding. (Why would he do this one must ask). Well look at what Palestine used it for. What a surprise.
Recently Biden and Xi Jin Ping agreed to limit AI use in the systems that control and deploy nuclear weapons as well as the technology’s use in autonomous weapon systems such as drones. Again, how many people believe that China will hold up to their part of this agreement? Meanwhile, our top generals just said that the US military needs AI vehicles and weapon systems to be a superior global force.
Biden will also release $3.5 billion of Afghanistan’s central bank reserves that were frozen in the United States after the Taliban took over last year. The United States has set up the Afghan Fund at the Bank for International Settlements “to kick-start the economy before the winter exacerbates alarming levels of hunger and poverty”. The U.S. Treasury said the money will help pay Afghanistan’s debts and bills, keeping the economy afloat. What? The 88 million in military equipment we left behind there after the disastrous pull out wasn’t enough? And we’re worried about their economy and their bills before winter exacerbates levels of hunger and poverty?? How about our own economy, hunger and poverty? We have people starving and struggling here yet Biden and his ilk are more worried about our enemies.
We have given Ukraine almost 90 billion in aid, weapons, etc. Remember, Biden was actually worried about their ability to heat their homes and fund their pensions! Even when our government was on the verge of shutting down, there would STILL BE MONEY for Ukraine!! But what exactly is this money being used for? Money laundering and kickbacks most likely. Remember, Hunter Biden sat on the Burisma board and made millions. Also the Ukrainian government is infamous for its corruption. Some of the weapons we sent there ended up in the middle east and Mexico. The pentagon at one point couldn’t even account for some of the millions sent there. It literally disappeared. Yet let’s keep sending them money. Nothing suspicious about that, right?
Now, how about the poor people in Hawaii who had everything destroyed? They got a whopping $700.00 each. Just think about that for a second and put it into perspective. Biden is hell-bent about ENSURING OUR ENEMIES have millions and billions of dollars yet our own citizens who were virtually wiped out got just 700.00 measly dollars. It makes no sense at all. Meanwhile we have inflation, high crime, rampant homelessness, a wide open border, stifled energy production, indoctrination in our schools, demonized underfunded police, concerned parents who are labeled terrorists by our own government and a depleted military. That tells you everything about this filthy administration and their priorities.
Needless to say that Biden and his handlers have a whole other agenda. It has nothing to do with the welfare of American citizens. This is all about crippling our country and making our enemies stronger. Biden may talk a good game about standing up to our enemies, but his actions truly prove otherwise.
Just as they did years ago when they answered the call to serve our country in the various branches of our US military, local northern Grafton County veterans answered the call again, but this time, by accepting an invitation, and attending an event by the students and school staff as recipients of a “Thank You Tribute to our Veterans.”
The vets were honored as part of the schools “We Salute Our Veterans” in the school auditorium.
In-coming Principal, Amy Kopp, along with SAU 35 Superintendent, Kate Segal, welcomed all for this first-of-a-kind event at Lafayette, held on Monday, November 13, 2023. I know I’ve never witnessed this event at this school in the 20 years I’ve lived here.
Many thanks are being extended to the classroom teachers, classroom paras and subs, the multi-talented librarian, the gracious music teacher, the “Coast Guard vet” custodian, the school secretary and office staff, and the cafeteria chef who is also a vet! It seems from the outcome of this marvelous display of gratitude and patriotism by the students and staff… all involved devoted much time and effort in making this tribute such a warm, wonderful, and meaningful event, not only for the vets, but more importantly, for the impressionable, young students.
It was refreshing to see the entire student body stand, place their hands over the hearts, and recite The Pledge of Allegiance to our American Flag. Great job, kids!!
One could tell that the music teacher spent considerable time leading the Lafayette School Chorus in singing a Thank You Tribute entitled “The Brave” written by John Riggio. Another wonderful expression of Thank You to the vets was played by the Lafayette School Band, and led by the same music teacher. The selections which were played included “When the Saints Go Marching In” and “Ode to Joy/Conquest,” which went off without a hitch! Who knows…someday, these same students may be playing in the US Army Band, or the US Navy Band, or the US Air Force Band? And, to think, it may have all started here in little Franconia Elementary.
“Thank You” letters, written by the students themselves, and read to the assembled audience via a microphone, promoted some self-confidence in these students! Maybe, a Presidential candidate will someday spawn from that courageous reading!?
The final “Thank You” by the kids to the vets was a memorable march around the auditorium with the kids waving and shouting “Thank You” to the vets.
All in all, this “Thank You Salute” by the students and staff of Lafayette Elementary School left this vet with the view that there is still hope for the kind of America envisioned by our Founding Fathers centuries ago.
The students’ display of patriotism should be a model for other New Hampshire school boards and town boards to emulate.
Nick De Mayo, M. Ed., QM-3, USS John F. Kennedy (CVA-67), Navigation, Plank Owner Sugar Hill, NH (603) 823-9816
On Saturday morning, October 28th, standing on Littleton’s grassy knoll and holding up a Bible Verse Sign, my eyes caught the advertising poster at
the Opera House for La Cage aux Folles across the way. That Irony put a
smile on my face at first; I’m standing here proclaiming some of the
foundational moral standards of this Town and this once Great Nation, and more significantly proclaiming the pathway to a saving knowledge of the Creator.
Then across the street, they are advertising a play, which some try to call “art”, about nothing more than various homosexual behaviors. As that
irony sunk in deeper, the smile left my face.
For those not in-the-know, La Cage aux Folles is a 1973 French Play about two homosexual men who own a south-of-France coastal nightclub Drag Show performance venue. This stage performance became a big “hit” in America and subsequently spawned the 1996 movie called The Birdcage with Robin Williams.
The French Play and the Movie The Birdcage were viewed as playful mockeries of various homosexual proclivities. The intentions of 42nd street and Hollywood were to cash-in on the downward spiral of Western Christian Society and more importantly to normalize what are euphemistically called “alternative lifestyles”. As a Born-Again Christian, I’m ashamed to admit that I too at one time committed the lamentable sin of laughing at seeing homosexual men mocked and satirized.
Face it: La Cage aux Folles is as much “art” as a Stormy Daniels hardcore pornographic film is an Oscar winner.
Caveat Emptor is the principle that the buyer alone is responsible for checking the quality and suitability of goods before a purchase. Anyone who purchases a ticket to this performance or who appears in this performance must consider their responsibility to their family (especially their children), their community, and their Creator, of what they are purchasing and thereby endorsing.
We know what was on the minds of some of those who brought this performance to Littleton. The Culture War is raging in this little town and
those (many of whom are just outsider rabble rousers) who seek to change its values are fighting harder and dirtier than those of us who are being attacked. I don’t think we can win this war. We are in a battle where the enemy has no moral compass and would never abide by the normative standards of any war, which in this case are simply open and honest discussions.
Ken Leavitt, Sugar Hill, NH
The Radical Left’s Poison
Recently in Oregon, the education officials decided that mandating students to be competent in reading, writing and math in order to graduate is unnecessary and disproportionately harms students of color. Hundreds of people responded in opposition to this including gubernatorial candidate Christine Drazen who said “It is not bigoted, it is not racist, to want your students to be able to actually learn”. Remember this is the same state that came up with “ethnomathematics”, because math involves finding the correct answer. Well, they believe that “White supremacy manifests itself in the focus on finding the right answer”, therefore it is no good. So according to these people, being educated and striving for accuracy in mathematical calculations is racist.
A little while back in Philadelphia, two nights of looting and destroying stores took place. Mobs of people, coordinated through social media, went on a two night rampage through the city, looting and destroying stores. The police chief said that this had NOTHING to do with an earlier shooting incident and was just an excuse to riot. There were some arrests made including a woman known as “Meatball” who was live streaming to her 181,000 instagram followers and encouraging the rioters. There was a huge critical outcry against her. Her lawyer immediately caused the criticism against her as racist:
“It sickens me to witness the media’s complicity in what can only be described as an all-out assault on black and brown people, as their character and actions are mercilessly vilified,”….” These people were looting and destroying stores, and no one is supposed to criticize them? And if you do then you are racist?
Hillary Clinton says that all Trump supporters need to be deprogrammed and that they are all racist and the GOP base is all bigots. So she is implying that all Trump supporters should be literally rounded up and imprisoned and have some mental procedure/indoctrination performed to make them think differently? Sounds like the Nazi Dr Josef Mengele who did experiments on the concentration camp prisoners. So, according to Clinton, if you support law and order, strong penalties for criminals, working for a living, fair trade, a strong defense, secured borders, energy independence, low unemployment, (among the lowest ever for minorities, under Trump!) low gas prices and accountability, then you are racist and must be “reprogrammed”?
New York City has agreed to pay more than $13 million to roughly 1,300 people who were arrested or “beaten” (yeah, right) by police during the BLM riots. The police do their jobs to try to stop the destruction and looting of the city as well as physical attacks on innocent people and they were wrong in doing so? And these criminals end up being rewarded for their actions? If you recall, anyone who spoke out against BLM was deemed racist.
Ibram X Kendi and Espn is doing a special on racism in sports called “Skin in the Game. Really? Well most of the NFL and NBA are black and are mostly millionaires. Even In college football under the new NIL system, college players can now make money in endorsements.—Dieon Sanders’ son, Shedeur, for example, who is the quarterback of the University of Colorado team, has endorsement deals worth 5.1 million. So this young black man is already a millionaire and not even out of college. Boy, I guess making millions of dollars for playing a game with people cheering you on and doing commercials is a form of discrimination. Who knew?
And let’s not forget Peter Buttigieg’s claim that the highway systems had racial inequities because they were designed to separate black from white communities. Are the white passing lines on the highways racist too?
As usual, this is the radical left’s “go to” strategy. As soon as something goes against them or if someone opposes them or calls them out on their actions, they are automatically a racist. There is also the left’s “cancel culture” who try to make EVERYTHING racist. Republican presidential candidate Tim Scott (who is black) sees through this poison and speaks out against it. (I feel Tim would be an AWESOME president!) I believe that most minorities also see through this poison. They see that they are being played and used for the radical left’s gain. They see the truth. The “cry racist” garbage is a “boogeyman” the radical left created basically because they can’t stand on the principles of their policies and radical ideology which is steeped in socialism and marxism. So to get people to buy in they create a “boogeyman” which will in turn create a “you against the racist American system” mentality. Say it loud enough and often enough and people will begin to believe it. This is their way of getting votes. People need to stop supporting this ilk in ALL levels of government positions from the president down to city councils and school boards. Their filthy rhetoric rapidly permeates in ALL places of our society and spreads like cancer. People need to vote in conservative candidates who support our constitution, law and order, accountability, common sense and just plain old human decency.
Colin Kaepernick would be proud of the way some New Hampshire area local boards open their monthly meetings …by choosing “No!” to saluting our American Flag before their monthly meetings. As if on cue from the NFL, our area local boards are “taking a knee” right under our noses! Since attending some of these local area board meetings (town & school) in the last few months, I’ve learned that all but one of the SAU 35 White Mountain School Boards have chosen NOT to say the 10-second Pledge to our Flag! Why would they choose to do this to words which unify our citizens, which assimilate newcomers to our culture and way of life, which honor members of the community-at-large whom these board members represent, such as the infirmed, the elderly, the taxpayers, the parents, the veterans, the businesses, and the children for whom they should be setting an example? Shouldn’t these board members show some gratitude to the hard-working taxpayers whose American “greenbacks,” whether in the form of local tax dollars or in the form of federal grant monies, pay for many, if not all, of the facilities, heat, salaries, books, programs, transportation, lunches, after-school programs, field trips, sports programs, computers & technology, pensions, and other necessary items like electricity which make these schools function? We also pay for the SAU building which comprises many additional departments, equipment, and personnel. One very important historical event that occurred in America during its formation as to why these local New Hampshire town and school boards, as well as state boards, should be saluting our American flag before their monthly meetings goes back to June 21, 1788 when the independent state of New Hampshire was THE crucial and all-important state who cast the 9th vote (2/3 vote needed by the 13 states) to ratify the Constitution, thus creating the newly-formed “United States of America.” We created this new Constitutional Republic and the new symbol of the “red, white, and blue.” How can we create a new country with a new symbol, and then refuse to honor it every chance we get? It’s like creating a child, and then abandoning it! Some of these boards don’t even display our American flag to its rightful place of honor during public meetings. I guess selectboard members, planning board members, school board members, and other officials were never Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts, or perhaps never served in the military. Some boards have our American flag up on a wall hidden from view by a pile of boxes, while others place our American flag in the alcove near the bathroom door, hidden dastardly from public view. There’s a whole book dedicated to proper placement of our American flag whether it be displayed at local public meetings, on a street, from a building, with foreign flags, on one’s door post, on one’s porch, over a door, when to fly it at half-staff, when to fly it at full-staff, how long to fly it on holidays (Veterans’ Day = full staff all day; Memorial Day – half-staff until noon only, and then raised to full-staff). A Fifth-Grade teacher had a wonderful reason why his students should always salute our American flag…”see those 50 stars,” he would explain. “They represent millions and millions of other Americans whom you never get to see or meet personally. Saluting our flag is a way of saying, ‘Hello!’ to each of them every day!” Nick De Mayo, Sugar Hill, NH |
Lily Tang Williams For US Congress
For Informational Purposes Only. This is not an endorsement of the NGCRC until a Republican candidate is chosen.
Lily is running for US Congress against Anne Kuster and she is the front runner this year. Lily ran last year and came in 3rd with 25% of the vote. She has that solid base this election cycle and as I mentioned before she is the frontrunner.
Here is a little about Lily:
Lily Tang Williams was a law school assistant professor at Fudan University, Shanghai, China who became an American entrepreneur and an educator. She is currently chair of New Hampshire Asian American Coalition, former elected Supervisor of the Checklist in Town of Weare, NH. She has been married to John Williams for 31 years and they have three adult children.
Born to illiterate working-class parents in China’s western Sichuan province just before Mao’s Cultural Revolution, Lily Tang Williams grew up experiencing extremely poor living conditions, food rationing, social chaos, and Communist indoctrination.
She learned to work hard, persevere, and be grateful for the opportunities she was given. Eventually, she graduated from Fudan University in Shanghai with an undergraduate law degree. After graduation, she was selected to continue as part of the law school faculty, as well as practice corporate law in Shanghai as China began to rebuild its economy.
In 1988, Lily Tang Williams decided to study in the U.S., leaving her position with only $100 in her pocket and $1200 in debt to her American sponsor, a Fulbright professor at the University of Texas at Austin. Though she could not speak English fluently she was determined to achieve success in this country, earning a Master’s degree in Administration and Planning from the School of Social Work at the University of Texas at Austin.
Subsequently, Lily started work for Wyoming Home Health as a medical social worker, and within a few years she was working as an executive for corporations in both Hong Kong and the U.S. Eventually, she went into business for herself, providing consulting and expert witness services in China-related business and legal cases. She and her husband also manage residential real estate properties they own.
Lily ran for the Colorado State House in 2014 and ran for the U.S. Senate in 2016. Today, Lily is a successful small business owner and an entrepreneur, relishes the freedom, independence, and prosperity she has found in America. She loves her new country and travels frequently throughout the states to share the story of her American Dream and educate people about the horrors of Communism/Marxism/Maoism.
Lily has contributed her opinion articles to National Review, Town Hall, The Epoch Times, Union Leader and the Concord Monitor. She has also appeared on Fox & Friends First, Tucker Carlson Tonight, Timcast IRL, Huckabee TV, John Stossel, The Glenn Beck Program, The Joe Pags Show, GothixTV and many other shows and podcasts. Lily is on the Speakers Bureau of Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. She has been speaking to students in middle schools, high schools and colleges in the past five years across the country.
Carrie Speaks For All Of Us
In the Sept. 2nd edition of The White Mountain Record, Littleton Select Board member and NH District 1 State Senator, The Honorable Carrie Gendreau, voiced her concern over transgender/diversity artwork being displayed on Jing Fong’s building on Jackson Street in Littleton. The artwork is being sponsored by NOCO Mural Project and North Country Pride. In addition to others, Becky Colpitts, outreach community coordinator for The Littleton Food Coop Market, who is representing Granite United Way, provided the grant money to pay for the mural.
Senator Gendreau has been receiving many “anti-Carrie” letters in The Record’s LTE section for sharing her views on the matter, especially because of her official titles. In my opinion, she has the courage, and the duty to speak for all of us who are stakeholders in our northern Grafton/Coos communities (NH State Senate District 1), which she represents. Senator Gendreau speaks for those stakeholders who are afraid to speak out due to personal retribution. She speaks out for those who are afraid for their own personal safety. Senator Gendreau is focusing attention on this issue to help stop this “Liberal-Progressive-Socialist-Communist Bully-ism” toward a segment of the area’s silent residents. This “wicked tongue-lashing” of a good woman, a good Conservative public servant, and an experienced legislator is deplorable! Definitely, a political attack, as well! She and the NH Senate have been there for us in legislating common-sense issues like: school choice, lower taxes, anti-recreational-cannabis-use legalization, and securing our NH borders from invasion by illegal migrants as well as many other Conservative pieces of legislation.
These attacks on Senator Gendreau’s integrity are being waged by the same people who supported Edith Tucker (“I never supported an income tax!”) for NH District 1 State Senate seat now proudly held by Senator Gendreau! Thank God, Carrie beat her. Just imagine where we, in NH, would be today, if Edith Tucker won?
One irate opponent criticizes Senator Gendreau while he holds an elected, public position as Moderator of the Profile School Board! What a hypocrite! Who’s “calling the kettle black,” Mr. “Let’s-Legalize-Recreational-Cannabis”! His comments seem very suspicious….perhaps he’s positioning himself for a State Senate run after losing another run for Representative?!
In reading following editions of The White Mountain Record, you’ll notice some other frequent, slobbering “Liberal-Progressive-Socialist-Communist,” anti-Conservative voices from the surrounding towns of Bethlehem, Easton, and Sugar Hill whose efforts re: this matter seem well-coordinated to promote this act of “Liberal-Progressive-Socialist-Communist Bully-ism” of silent, Conservative, Christian area voters and taxpayers. Or, am I just acting as a “conspiracy-theorist”?
Senator Gendreau has been there for us. It’s our turn to be there for her!