Our new sign is ready. Please pick one up.
Author: Alice Arazny
New Ad in Trendy Times
This is the new ad that will appear in the October 18, 2022 and November 1, 2022 editions of the Trendy Times:
NGCRC at the North Haverhill Fair
The Northern Grafton County Republican Committee hosted a booth at the 2022 North Haverhill Fair. Several candidates visited and spent time meeting with our members and voters.
Some highlights from the fair:
Franconia Old Home Day
The NGCRC participated in the 2022 Franconia Old Home Day festivities and parade. It was a beautiful display and the parade was a wonderful expression of Franconia’s patriotism and community spirit. Thank you to the Candidates who joined us! Some photos are below:
The Northern Grafton County Republican Committee will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday, July 12, 2022 at the Littleton Elks Club, Lodge #1831 located at 42 Main Street, Route 302, Bethlehem, NH. Socializing and refreshments will be at 6:00 PM, and the meeting will begin at 6:30 PM. Our guests will be Carrie Gendreau, Candidate, NH State Senate, District 1; Glenn Libby, Candidate, Grafton County Commissioner, District 2.
Come meet these candidates and ask a question or two.