Our new sign is ready. Please pick one up.

Our new sign is ready. Please pick one up.
This is the new ad that will appear in the October 18, 2022 and November 1, 2022 editions of the Trendy Times:
The Northern Grafton County Republican Committee hosted a booth at the 2022 North Haverhill Fair. Several candidates visited and spent time meeting with our members and voters.
Some highlights from the fair:
The Northern Grafton County Republican Committee will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday, July 12, 2022 at the Littleton Elks Club, Lodge #1831 located at 42 Main Street, Route 302, Bethlehem, NH. Socializing and refreshments will be at 6:00 PM, and the meeting will begin at 6:30 PM. Our guests will be Carrie Gendreau, Candidate, NH State Senate, District 1; Glenn Libby, Candidate, Grafton County Commissioner, District 2.
Come meet these candidates and ask a question or two.
Who doesn’t like a parade?!!!! A parade is great FUN!!! I’m sure you remember the excitement and exhilaration you felt when you saw your first parade? Imagine that same excitement and exhilaration you will feel by being an actual participant in a parade with everybody waving to you, smiling at you, giving you such positive and welcoming shouts!! It is great FUN!!!
The NGCRC has voted to participate in 2 area parades in July like we did last year…the Woodsville Parade on Monday, July 4th and the Franconia Old Home Days (Booth & Parade) on Saturday, July 9th. Both are very short distances, but the streets we travel are filled with hundreds and hundreds of voters!!
Don’t let the Deleterious Democrats out-number us!!
These parades are opportunities to BRING US TOGETHER…. to further proclaim our CAUSE (election of Republicans to local, county, state, and national office).
Further, these parades showcase our presence to the general public which helps further enhance our membership numbers. Additionally, it shines a “light” on the ‘closet Republicans’ and like-minded Conservatives who are afraid to “come out.”
We need our NGCRC Members & Friends to participate in one, or the other parade, or both.
Please let NGCRC Vice Chairwoman Janice Novak (603) 823-5011, or janicenovak@myfairpoint.net know in which one you will participate, and, if you will drive a vehicle.
Candidates can be part of our group by driving a vehicle (vehicles should be decorated in a Patriotic manner, or the theme of the parade!) ,or walking, thus allowing all voters see the candidate. Carry your yard signs, banners, etc.
The theme of the Woodsville 4th of July Parade is: Sights and Sounds of the USA; while the theme of the Franconia Old Home Days Parade is: Luau.
Woodsville 4th of July Parade Monday, July 4th details: starts at: Woodsville Elementary School (across from Shiloh’s Restaurant); line up: 10:00 am; start: 11:00am; parade route Main Street through Woodsville to Wells River, VT (over the bridge).
Franconia Old Home Days Parade & Booth (we need somebody to “man” “woman” the booth while we leave to line up for the parade) next to Abbey Greenleaf Library; set-up: 9:00 am; parade line-up: 11:00 am. Parade route through Franconia.
Yours in The Cause to elect Republicans,
and Keep New Hampshire RED!