
Next Meeting, “Enemies Within”

Our next NGCRC Meeting will be held this-coming Monday night, March 14, 2022 at the Littleton Elks Lodge, #1831, 42 Main St., Rte 302, Bethlehem, NH commencing at 6:00 pm with our Social ½ Hour featuring delicious fruits and snacks. Thanks to NGCRC Vice Chairwoman, Janice Novak, for organizing this delicious treat, and thanks to all the individuals who have volunteered their time and efforts to provide this unique feature to our monthly meetings.

As always, our Main Presentation begins at 6:30 pm with a few Opening Ceremonies, and then this month’s feature presentation, this eye-opening, documented video entitled “Enemies Within” by New Zealander Trevor Loudon. He has spent many years of his life to study and document this “Deep State story” to the American public. This is a scholarly, well-worth-your-time presentation about the inner workings and behind-the-scenes characters who sit in our Congress and in many other departments of our US Government…making OUR LAWS and spending OUR MONEY!!

Can your U. S. Congressman / woman pass an FBI Background Check? Look closely to see if you see any familiar faces!

No interruptions. No speeches during the video.

NGCRC Gun Raffle Chairwoman, Samantha Cross, will give a Gun Raffle Update after the video.

Nick De Mayo, M. Ed., NGCRC, Chairman