
Local Northern Grafton County Representative Accountability

LTE, “How your local Northern Grafton County representatives voted on GUN CONTROL, year-to-date”

In order to help voters in the communities of Northern Grafton County understand more about how their local representatives are voting when down in Concord, the following gives some meaningful explanation and transparency on GUN CONTROL votes.  Check recent editions of local newspapers to learn about local reps’ votes on TAXES and FEES and EDUCATION.

EGAN, Timothy (Democrat, Sugar Hill)

  • AGAINST: permitting self-defense within a vehicle (HB 197);
  • AGAINST: strengthening the right to keep and bear arms (CACR 8);
  • AGAINST: clarifying that displaying a firearm does not constitute reckless conduct (HB 195);
  • AGAINST: stating that displaying a firearm to warn away a trespasser is not a crime (HB 196);
  • AGAINST: requiring political subdivisions to obey state law regarding firearms regulation (HB 307);
  • AGAINST: making it faster for law-abiding citizens to obtain approval from a background check (SB 141);
  • AGAINST: prohibiting the state from enforcing any federal statute, regulation, or Presidential Executive Order that restricts or regulates the right of the people to keep and bear arms (SB 154).

MASSAMILLA, Linda (Democrat, Littleton)

  • AGAINST: permitting self-defense within a vehicle (HB 197);
  • AGAINST: strengthening the right to keep and bear arms (CACR 8);
  • AGAINST: clarifying that displaying a firearm does not constitute reckless conduct (HB 195);
  • AGAINST: requiring political subdivisions to obey state law regarding firearms regulation (HB 307);
  • AGAINST: allowing law-abiding persons to carry a loaded firearm on an OHRV or snowmobile (HB 334);
  • AGAINST: making it faster for law-abiding citizens to obtain approval from a background check (SB 141);
  • AGAINST: prohibiting the state from enforcing any federal statute, regulation, or Presidential Executive Order that restricts or regulates the right of the people to keep and bear arms (SB 154).

RUPRECHT, Denny (Democrat, Landaff)

  • Absent: permitting self-defense within a vehicle (HB 197);
  • ABSENT: strengthening the right to keep and bear arms (CACR 8);
  • ABSENT: clarifying that displaying a firearm does not constitute reckless conduct (HB 195);
  • ABSENT: stating that displaying a firearm to warn away a trespasser is not a crime (HB 196);
  • ABSENT: requiring political subdivisions to obey state law regarding firearms regulation (HB 307);
  • ABSENT: allowing law-abiding persons to carry a loaded firearm on an OHRV or snowmobile (HB 334);
  • AGAINST: making it faster for law-abiding citizens to obtain approval from a background check (SB 141);
  • AGAINST: prohibiting the state from enforcing any federal statute, regulation, or Presidential Executive Order that restricts or regulates the right of the people to keep and bear arms (SB 154).

In the wise words of Beta MetanI’Marashi, “Before you cast your vote, be sure you don’t cast your freedom out of the window.  Please be sure you do not vote for anyone who is out there after your freedom, after your religion, and after your gun!  What they have in common?…Fascist Socialist, Nazist Socialist, Marxist Socialist, Democrat Socialist, Global Socialist?”

Nick De Mayo, M.Ed., NGCRC, Chairman