Check out our ad that ran in local newspapers reminding voters to vote for Republican candidates on the ballot in Northern Grafton County.

Check out our ad that ran in local newspapers reminding voters to vote for Republican candidates on the ballot in Northern Grafton County.
For Informational Purposes Only. This is not an endorsement of the NGCRC until a Republican candidate is chosen.
Lily is running for US Congress against Anne Kuster and she is the front runner this year. Lily ran last year and came in 3rd with 25% of the vote. She has that solid base this election cycle and as I mentioned before she is the frontrunner.
Here is a little about Lily:
Lily Tang Williams was a law school assistant professor at Fudan University, Shanghai, China who became an American entrepreneur and an educator. She is currently chair of New Hampshire Asian American Coalition, former elected Supervisor of the Checklist in Town of Weare, NH. She has been married to John Williams for 31 years and they have three adult children.
Born to illiterate working-class parents in China’s western Sichuan province just before Mao’s Cultural Revolution, Lily Tang Williams grew up experiencing extremely poor living conditions, food rationing, social chaos, and Communist indoctrination.
She learned to work hard, persevere, and be grateful for the opportunities she was given. Eventually, she graduated from Fudan University in Shanghai with an undergraduate law degree. After graduation, she was selected to continue as part of the law school faculty, as well as practice corporate law in Shanghai as China began to rebuild its economy.
In 1988, Lily Tang Williams decided to study in the U.S., leaving her position with only $100 in her pocket and $1200 in debt to her American sponsor, a Fulbright professor at the University of Texas at Austin. Though she could not speak English fluently she was determined to achieve success in this country, earning a Master’s degree in Administration and Planning from the School of Social Work at the University of Texas at Austin.
Subsequently, Lily started work for Wyoming Home Health as a medical social worker, and within a few years she was working as an executive for corporations in both Hong Kong and the U.S. Eventually, she went into business for herself, providing consulting and expert witness services in China-related business and legal cases. She and her husband also manage residential real estate properties they own.
Lily ran for the Colorado State House in 2014 and ran for the U.S. Senate in 2016. Today, Lily is a successful small business owner and an entrepreneur, relishes the freedom, independence, and prosperity she has found in America. She loves her new country and travels frequently throughout the states to share the story of her American Dream and educate people about the horrors of Communism/Marxism/Maoism.
Lily has contributed her opinion articles to National Review, Town Hall, The Epoch Times, Union Leader and the Concord Monitor. She has also appeared on Fox & Friends First, Tucker Carlson Tonight, Timcast IRL, Huckabee TV, John Stossel, The Glenn Beck Program, The Joe Pags Show, GothixTV and many other shows and podcasts. Lily is on the Speakers Bureau of Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. She has been speaking to students in middle schools, high schools and colleges in the past five years across the country.
The Northern Grafton County Republican Committee (NGCRC) which serves the northern Grafton towns of Bath, Bethlehem, Easton, Franconia, Landaff, Lisbon, Littleton, Lyman, Monroe and Sugar Hill is hosting three guest speakers at our next monthly meeting on Tuesday, September 12, 2023 at 6:00 pm at the Littleton Senior Center, 77 Riverglen Lane, Littleton, NH 03561.
First speaker is: Representative Joe Sweeney (R–Salem), GOP Majority House Floor Leader and Chairman of Granite State Solutions who will be speaking on next year’s House legislation and ways to get more Republicans elected.
Second speaker is: Mindi Mayhew, Regional Field Director for Ron DeSantis’s “Never Back Down Campaign” who will be speaking on behalf of the Presidential campaign of FL Governor, Ron DeSantis.
Third speaker is: Amy Badurina, Regional Field Director of the Vivek Ramaswamy Presidential Campaign, and who will be speaking on behalf of the Vivek Ramaswamy GOP Primary campaign.
Additionally, we hope to have NH District 1 Representative, The Honorable David Rochefort and NH State Senator, District 1, The Honorable Carrie Gendreau speak about up-coming legislation.
All Republicans and like-minded Conservatives are welcome to attend.
Yours in The Cause to elect Republicans and keep New Hampshire RED!
Nick De Mayo, M. Ed., NGCRC, Chairman
The Northern Grafton County Republican Committee will hold its monthly meeting on Monday, February 14, 2022 at the Littleton Elks Club, Lodge #1831 located at 42 Main Street, Route 302, Bethlehem, NH. Socializing and refreshments will be at 6:00 PM, and the meeting and guest speaker will be at 6:30 PM. NH State Senator Bob Giuda, District 2, will be the guest speaker. Senator Giuda will talk about the 2022 Legislative Update and how people can become involved.
Senator Giuda will instruct people how to use the NH general court website to look up legislation regarding public hearings and other pertinent legislative information. Persons desiring to actively participate may bring their personal computer and log into the WiFi available, and follow along with the visual presentation.
Republicans and Like-Minded Conservatives are Welcome to attend. Interested persons may contact or call 603-823-5011. Keep New Hampshire RED!
Just a brief update to let you know you’re not forgotten, and your NGCRC officers are still breathing!! Staples is issuing COVID vaccine card laminations for free! Had mine done yesterday!
There is just SO MUCH going on since “Lyin’ Biden” took office in January, 2021!! I will begin by asking you, respectfully, to do something, which I never thought I’d ever do in my entire life, but that is to BOYCOTT baseball, Coca-Cola, Home Depot, United Arlines, UPS, and other businesses who are caving in to the “CANCEL CULTURE and LIBERAL LEFT.”
Lyin’ Biden and Stacey Abrams and their cronies are trying to keep the voting laws in the state of GA “loosey-goosey” so anyone and everyone can vote…..No ID required! Lyin’ Biden stated unequivocally and authoritatively that the polling places will be closed at 5:00 pm which is erroneous! The state of GA is tightening up their voting processes to make them fair and consistent for all GA voters. Hope NH does the same!!! Businesses with headquarters in Atlanta, after being “shamed,” “bribed,” and “held captive to the ‘Cancel Culture Crowd’,” are caving in to their demands. We must fight back. You can call their corporate offices, or just stop buying their products to send a message…do business, not politics! “Go WOKE! or GO BROKE!”
Please be aware of the controversy over the new conditional hire of James Gleason, new Littleton Town Manager, conditionally. He has an explicit Facebook page in which he refers to members of the NRA as the “Nazi Rifle Association.” very divisive, plus more. All in tomorrow’s Courier.
Tomorrow, the NH House of Representatives will be holding floor votes on pro-gun measures, HB 307 and HB 334. Please contact your representative, and ask them to support these bills.
HB 307 allows anyone adversely impacted by an ordinance or regulation to file suit against the county, city, town, or government entity that enacted the violation (after notice is given). So, I guess, if you target-practice on your own property, and it offends somebody, they can sue the town?
HB344 allows ATV Carry”…allowing carry of a loaded firearm on an Off-Highway Recreation Vehicle or snowmobile.
Please be aware that Nancy Pelosi is trying to take away NH’s long-treasured “First in the Nation Primary.” NH Secretary of State, William (Bill) Gardner, who is a Democrat, has come out strong against “Queen Nancy” and her Cronies saying, “Don’t mess with NH!!” more in the Union Leader.
Trump has many new products with the words, “Miss me yet?!” I think we should buy some, and sell for the NGCRC.
Right-to-work in NH (SB 61) “….will result in more jobs, better wages, and more freedom for New Hampshire’s workers,” according to NH House Labor, Industrial, and Rehabilitative Service Chairman Will Infantine (R – Manchester), and “….workers should not be coerced into paying union dues just to hold a job,” according to NH House Majority Leader, Jason Osborne (R – Auburn). Support SB – 61.
Australian TV has continued to expose the weakness and corruption of the Biden Administration. It refers to Biden as: “illiterate, incoherent, and cognitively deficient.” Gee, we all knew that here in the States!
75% of the American voters DEMAND voter ID, but Democrats want to destroy election integrity!!
CBS goes after Gov DeSantis on issuing contracts for COVID shots in FL, but it backfires!
Biden = Bernie Sanders on STEROIDS ! Open Borders!! Higher taxes!! He is NOT the Moderate he portrayed himself in the debates!!
Biden’s $2.25 Trillion Stimulus Plan will cost everybody money in new taxes for many years to come. And, you’re not immune if you have a 401K, an IRA, and other retirement plans. Incidentally, HB 274, introduced by O’Brien, Cushing, and Rosenwald in southern Nh would “….require all NH taxpayers to pay for the poor performance of the NHRS, 1.1% (ROI).
Disgraceful images from the southern border due to the Biden Open Border Policies….and they want to talk about Trump’s policies! Give me a Break!
Next NGCRC meeting, Monday, May 10, 2021…Elks Lodge, near the Co-op off Cottage St. “Social 1/2 Hour,” 6:00 pm; Regular meeting starts sharply at 6:30 pm.
Yours, in The Cause, to elect Republicans, And KEEP New Hampshire RED!
Nick De Mayo, M. Ed.
NGCRC Chairman
Boycott Nancy Pelosi’s Napa Valley vineyards by boycotting Napa Valley wines!