
Letter to the Editor

On January 19 the NH State “Office of Planning and Development”, another of Sununu’s new bureaucracies, will hold a session to “educate” state reps about upcoming housing legislation. The OPD is nothing more than a taxpayer-funded lobbying group which, like the Housing Appeals Board, should be illegal. They are pushing for passage of bills that give more of your tax dollars to favored developers to flood your little towns with ugly, unwanted stack’n’pack housing.

The Housing Appeals Board — which by the way for you libertarians who love to run crying to the state for your “rights” — has heard few, if any, appeals from ordinary homeowners about the free use of their property. Instead, this 3-person group of appointees has sided 95% of the time with developers against voters of towns in which those developers appealed planning and zoning decisions that were not favorable to them. Put plainly, those town meeting votes were nullified.

Governor Sununu pays much lip service to local control but in truth, continues to defy it by pushing state takeover of local zoning and planning decisions. Every time one of his Bolshevik-style bills gets defeated he creates another bureaucracy to effect an end run around the legislature.

Zoning and planning decisions belong to the towns and not some unelected, accountable state agency made up of industry hacks. Every town office should be challenging the HAB and taxpayer funded lobbying in court. Every voter should complain to their legislators and governor.

For more information, please visit

Jane Aitken


NGCRC Meeting


Biden’s Agenda Leaves the Welfare of Americans Behind

by Alex Foryan, Landaff, NH

We are into winter and people are struggling financially to heat their homes. Due to Biden’s policies, oil prices are high, our strategic oil reserves are low and are being depleted and we have inflation and job layoffs.  Biden’s administration has stifled drilling and stated that all coal plants will be shut down. As our fuel prices soared, he then begged OPEC for oil and recently Venezuela. Now think about this. Venezuela has a ruthless dictator and Biden wants to give him money for oil  instead of putting it into our own country?  He can open up drilling, create jobs (and bring back the ones that were cut), and make us energy independent (just like Trump was doing!). Fuel prices would drop which would help businesses and consumers alike. This in turn would bring down prices of goods and services, thus helping our economy. Instead Biden and his administration are more focused  on getting rid of fossil fuels. Their  UNREALISTIC radical green energy agenda is more important to them than the welfare of American citizens who cannot afford to heat their homes.  Meanwhile we have sent over 18.2 BILLION  to Ukraine! This is so ludicrous! What is all of this money going to exactly?  How about using some of that money here to help our own citizens during these tough times? Additionally, our southern border is wide open thus allowing illegals to pour into our country daily. Guess who will be supporting them? The American taxpayer, of course. Biden’s actions are crippling our country and directly affecting the lives of American citizens. One would think that the President of the United States would do things to help his own people.  Apparently those things are nowhere to be found on Biden’s agenda.


Grafton County’s Official Guide to Economic Relief 2022

NOTE: Email address correction for Calvin Beaulier is:


Letter to the Editor

by Nick De Mayo, Chairman NGCRC


Letter to the Editor


New Sign

Our new sign is ready. Please pick one up.


New Ad in Trendy Times

This is the new ad that will appear in the October 18, 2022 and November 1, 2022 editions of the Trendy Times:


NGCRC at the North Haverhill Fair

The Northern Grafton County Republican Committee hosted a booth at the 2022 North Haverhill Fair. Several candidates visited and spent time meeting with our members and voters.

Some highlights from the fair:


Franconia Old Home Day

The NGCRC participated in the 2022 Franconia Old Home Day festivities and parade. It was a beautiful display and the parade was a wonderful expression of Franconia’s patriotism and community spirit. Thank you to the Candidates who joined us! Some photos are below: