Check out our ad that ran in local newspapers reminding voters to vote for Republican candidates on the ballot in Northern Grafton County.

Check out our ad that ran in local newspapers reminding voters to vote for Republican candidates on the ballot in Northern Grafton County.
We are excited to announce our 2024 fundraiser, a gun raffle with a total of 10 total prizes. Check out our raffle page here and contact us to purchase tickets. Drawing will be held on Columbus Day!
Just a quick reminder of our up-coming NGCRC December Meeting on Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at 6:00 pm at the Littleton Senior Center, 77 Riverglen Lane, Littleton, NH.
We have our main guest speaker, GOP Primary Gubernatorial Candidate, Chuck Morse of Salem who was the former NH Senate President. This is an excellent opportunity for you to acquire his plans for New Hampshire if he is our eventual nominee, and Governor-elect. You will be able to ask questions which are important to you!
We also have a request from Ambrose Tierney, Regional Field Director for the Nikki Haley for President Campaign. Another great opportunity to learn her positions for President, and to ask questions.
All are welcome to attend this General Public Session.
Dues are due for renewal for calendar year 2024. $24.00 for Full Membership; $12.00 for Associate Membership.
Applications need to be filled out for new members.
Please contact Alice Arazny @ if you can donate a refreshment dish for our Social ½ Hour.
HB 294: Enabling municipalities to adopt a child tax credit. STATUS: There was a public hearing for HB 294 on January 26, for which individuals could submit opposition or testimony. The bill will now be voted on by the House Municipal and County Government Committee. The committee votes to either recommend the bill to the full House as OTP (Ought to Pass) or ITL (Inexpedient to Legislate). This is the first step in passing or defeating a bill. WHEN: The House Municipal and County Government Committee will vote on HB 294 on February 15, at 10:30 AM. CORNERSTONE POSITION: Cornerstone SUPPORTS this bill. WHY: New Hampshire is experiencing a rapidly growing crisis that has received far less attention than it deserves – our state is becoming catastrophically old. For New Hampshire to remain competitive, we must give our communities more tools to attract and retain young families. Simply stated, without young families and workers to replace those who are retiring, the economy, local services, and even the continuity of communities are in serious jeopardy. HB 294 paves the way for municipalities to consider child tax credits in their planning. This would be an important first step in recognizing the importance of children and families to the future of our state. WHAT YOU CAN DO: There is still time to voice your support of HB 294 before the Municipal and County Government Committee casts their vote. While you can no longer register your support of the bill or testify in person, you can still make your voice heard by calling the committee. Please call the committee at 603-271-3125, as calling is the most effective way to make your voice heard. However, if you cannot call the committee, we encourage you to email testimony and support to the members. You can find the Municipal and County Government Committee contact info here or email the full committee at |
HB 271: Repealing the Fetal Life Protection Act. SUMMARY: HB 271 is a bill that would repeal the Fetal Life Protection Act, or FLPA. In New Hampshire, abortion is heavily restricted after the 24 weeks by the FLPA; this bill would enable unrestricted abortions up to full-term. STATUS: There will be a public hearing of HB 271 before the House Judiciary Committee this coming week. Following a hearing, a committee votes to either recommend the bill to the full House as OTP (Ought to Pass) or ITL (Inexpedient to Legislate). This is the first step in passing or defeating a bill. The testimony of citizens submitted at these hearings, especially in person, is influential in determining what recommendation a committee will make on a bill. WHEN: Wednesday, February 15, at 10:30 AM in the Legislative Office Building, rooms 206-208. CORNERSTONE POSITION: Cornerstone OPPOSES this bill. HB 224: Repealing the Criminal and Civil Penalties of the Fetal Life Protection Act. SUMMARY: HB 224 is a bill that would repeal all criminal and civil legal penalties against health care providers for violating the Fetal Life Protection Act. If this bill were to pass, it would no longer be a class B felony for any health care provider to perform or induce an abortion after 24 weeks of pregnancy. STATUS: There will be a public hearing of HB 224 before the House Judiciary Committee this coming week. Following a hearing, a committee votes to either recommend the bill to the full House as OTP (Ought to Pass) or ITL (Inexpedient to Legislate). This is the first step in passing or defeating a bill. The testimony of citizens submitted at these hearings, especially in person, is influential in determining what recommendation a committee will make on a bill. WHEN: Wednesday, February 15, at 2:30 PM in the Legislative Office Building, rooms 206-208. WHY: Both HB 271 and HB 224 threaten the Fetal Life Protection Act, and would return us to a state that has virtually no abortion restrictions. The FLPA is New Hampshire’s only protection for pre-born children. New Hampshire made history by going from a state that allowed abortion for any reason up to birth, to protecting pre-born children who are at least 24 weeks old. HB 224 stands as the main threat to pre-born life, as our governor, Chris Sununu, has called to remove the penalties for violating the Fetal Life Protection Act. A pro-choice individual, he is the only Republican governor in America pushing for abortion up to birth, and has pledged to sign the bill if it reaches his desk. Additionally, Chris Sununu personally lobbied for a functionally identical bill, HB 1609, in the House just last year. As New Hampshire’s sole restriction on abortion, the FLPA only defends pre-born children who could live outside the womb, were they delivered. HB 271 and HB 224 would eliminate these vital protections for late-term pre-born in New Hampshire. In order to protect these children in their last months, we need support and testimony from our pro-life community to help our lawmakers make the right decision to continue to protect these precious lives. WHAT YOU CAN DO: 1. Register your opposition for HB 271 and HB 224 by signing in opposing the bills here. It is important that you sign in two times, opposing both bills. You can find step-by-step instructions on how to sign in here. 2. Submit written testimony. You can do this when you sign in. Simply hit “choose file” under step number four to upload a document with your testimony, or type your testimony into the provided box. 3. We urge you to come and testify in person, especially if you fall under one of the following categories:A physicianSomeone who has a child or relative disabled since birthPost-abortive mother or fatherA pro-life woman of any ageWe have step-by-step instructions on how to testify here. You can also reach out to us at if you have any questions about the testifying process. Important Note: A number of people have had issues with the House remote sign-in page. If you are encountering problems, you can also email the committee directly registering your support for the bill and/or submitting written testimony. You can find their contact info here or email the full committee at 4. Additionally, we encourage you to educate yourself on the Fetal Life Protection Act. Cornerstone has produced a 3-minute video, included below, to explain the history, context, and content of the FLPA. We urge you to take a few minutes to watch the video and share it with your friends and family. |
SB 219, The Students First Act—introduced by Senator Keith Murphy—will be heard by the Senate Education Committee on Tuesday 2/14/23. This important bill will crack down on sprawling, expensive school administration in New Hampshire and ensure that education spending prioritizes students first. New Hampshire schools often point to low-paid teachers as an example of why schools need more funding. In reality, while school taxes and spending have increased for decades, almost none of that money has ever gone to teacher salaries. Instead, our public school system has created giant, highly-paid bureaucracies of administrators and full-time diversity professionals—any one of whom can expect to rake in the salaries of three or more low-paid teachers combined. Conservatives have long fought a losing battle on this issue by casting themselves as anti-teacher, arguing that teachers who make less than starting salaries at McDonalds are “actually overpaid.” This unpopular argument misses the point and plays into a trap created by school administrations. Teacher pay is not the reason school taxes are increasing: NH teacher pay has increased by only 1% in 20 years, while our number of non-teaching staff has increased by 80%. To finally stop endlessly-increasing school costs, conservatives must reframe the debate. As NH Board of Education member Ryan Terrell has argued, NH teacher pay is not low because schools are underfunded, but because education spending is being systematically abused across the state. Local school boards, who cannot see the forest through the trees, have failed to perceive and correct this problem. The legislature must step in and ensure that, if a school district wants to hire six-figure diversity professionals and other high-paid administrators, they must pay teachers first. SB 219 will neither mandate increases nor decreases in your local school spending. What it will mandate is a difference in how your school district and SAU prioritizes its spending of your money: unless teachers are paid first, large administrations may no longer be hired. It’s time to put students first. WHEN: There will be a public hearing on SB 219 before the Senate Education Committee on Tuesday, February 14, at 9:30 AM in the Legislative Office Building, Room 101. CORNERSTONE POSITION: Cornerstone SUPPORTS an amendment to this bill introduced by NH Senator Keith Murphy which corrects various typos and errors contained in the original bill. Cornerstone advocates that the bill be passed with the amendment. As New Hampshire State Board of Education member Ryan Terrell explains in his recent Union Leader op-ed published January 2nd, over the past two decades, New Hampshire’s cost-per-pupil has increased by 77%, adjusted for inflation, while our teacher salaries have increased by only 1%. New Hampshire’s systemic misuse of education spending is a vicious cycle. Seeing that teachers are often borderline impoverished, communities respond by increasing school taxes and spending. Schools then use that money to pay bureaucrats and the cycle repeats. SB 219 would break this cycle by playing more value and emphasis on teachers and students, rather than allowing more and more of our educational dollars to be pocketed by bureaucratic administrations. WHAT YOU CAN DO: 1. Register your support for SB 219 by signing in in support of the bill here. You can find step-by-step instructions on how to sign in here. 2. Submit written testimony. You can do this when you sign in. Simply hit “choose file” under step number four to upload a document with your testimony, or type your testimony into the provided box. If you are submitting written testimony, we ask that you specify that you support the amendment introduced by Keith Murphy, not the original bill. The amendment proposed by Senator Murphy simply fixes some typos and errors in the original bill. 3. We urge you to come testify in person, especially if you have observed and are concerned about specific examples of top-heavy, large school administration in your community. We have step-by-step instructions on how to testify here. You can also reach out to us at if you have any questions about the testifying process. Important Note: A number of people have had issues with the Senate remote sign-in page. If you are encountering problems, you can also email the committee directly registering your support for the bill and/or submitting written testimony. You can find their contact info here. If you are emailing the committee, we ask that you specify that you support the amendment introduced by Keith Murphy, not the original bill. The amendment proposed by Senator Murphy simply fixes some typos and errors in the original bill. |
On January 19 the NH State “Office of Planning and Development”, another of Sununu’s new bureaucracies, will hold a session to “educate” state reps about upcoming housing legislation. The OPD is nothing more than a taxpayer-funded lobbying group which, like the Housing Appeals Board, should be illegal. They are pushing for passage of bills that give more of your tax dollars to favored developers to flood your little towns with ugly, unwanted stack’n’pack housing.
The Housing Appeals Board — which by the way for you libertarians who love to run crying to the state for your “rights” — has heard few, if any, appeals from ordinary homeowners about the free use of their property. Instead, this 3-person group of appointees has sided 95% of the time with developers against voters of towns in which those developers appealed planning and zoning decisions that were not favorable to them. Put plainly, those town meeting votes were nullified.
Governor Sununu pays much lip service to local control but in truth, continues to defy it by pushing state takeover of local zoning and planning decisions. Every time one of his Bolshevik-style bills gets defeated he creates another bureaucracy to effect an end run around the legislature.
Zoning and planning decisions belong to the towns and not some unelected, accountable state agency made up of industry hacks. Every town office should be challenging the HAB and taxpayer funded lobbying in court. Every voter should complain to their legislators and governor.
For more information, please visit
Jane Aitken
by Alex Foryan, Landaff, NH
We are into winter and people are struggling financially to heat their homes. Due to Biden’s policies, oil prices are high, our strategic oil reserves are low and are being depleted and we have inflation and job layoffs. Biden’s administration has stifled drilling and stated that all coal plants will be shut down. As our fuel prices soared, he then begged OPEC for oil and recently Venezuela. Now think about this. Venezuela has a ruthless dictator and Biden wants to give him money for oil instead of putting it into our own country? He can open up drilling, create jobs (and bring back the ones that were cut), and make us energy independent (just like Trump was doing!). Fuel prices would drop which would help businesses and consumers alike. This in turn would bring down prices of goods and services, thus helping our economy. Instead Biden and his administration are more focused on getting rid of fossil fuels. Their UNREALISTIC radical green energy agenda is more important to them than the welfare of American citizens who cannot afford to heat their homes. Meanwhile we have sent over 18.2 BILLION to Ukraine! This is so ludicrous! What is all of this money going to exactly? How about using some of that money here to help our own citizens during these tough times? Additionally, our southern border is wide open thus allowing illegals to pour into our country daily. Guess who will be supporting them? The American taxpayer, of course. Biden’s actions are crippling our country and directly affecting the lives of American citizens. One would think that the President of the United States would do things to help his own people. Apparently those things are nowhere to be found on Biden’s agenda.
Our next NGCRC Meeting will be held this-coming Monday night, March 14, 2022 at the Littleton Elks Lodge, #1831, 42 Main St., Rte 302, Bethlehem, NH commencing at 6:00 pm with our Social ½ Hour featuring delicious fruits and snacks. Thanks to NGCRC Vice Chairwoman, Janice Novak, for organizing this delicious treat, and thanks to all the individuals who have volunteered their time and efforts to provide this unique feature to our monthly meetings.
As always, our Main Presentation begins at 6:30 pm with a few Opening Ceremonies, and then this month’s feature presentation, this eye-opening, documented video entitled “Enemies Within” by New Zealander Trevor Loudon. He has spent many years of his life to study and document this “Deep State story” to the American public. This is a scholarly, well-worth-your-time presentation about the inner workings and behind-the-scenes characters who sit in our Congress and in many other departments of our US Government…making OUR LAWS and spending OUR MONEY!!
Can your U. S. Congressman / woman pass an FBI Background Check? Look closely to see if you see any familiar faces!
No interruptions. No speeches during the video.
NGCRC Gun Raffle Chairwoman, Samantha Cross, will give a Gun Raffle Update after the video.
Nick De Mayo, M. Ed., NGCRC, Chairman
The Northern Grafton County Republican Committee will hold its monthly meeting on Monday, February 14, 2022 at the Littleton Elks Club, Lodge #1831 located at 42 Main Street, Route 302, Bethlehem, NH. Socializing and refreshments will be at 6:00 PM, and the meeting and guest speaker will be at 6:30 PM. NH State Senator Bob Giuda, District 2, will be the guest speaker. Senator Giuda will talk about the 2022 Legislative Update and how people can become involved.
Senator Giuda will instruct people how to use the NH general court website to look up legislation regarding public hearings and other pertinent legislative information. Persons desiring to actively participate may bring their personal computer and log into the WiFi available, and follow along with the visual presentation.
Republicans and Like-Minded Conservatives are Welcome to attend. Interested persons may contact or call 603-823-5011. Keep New Hampshire RED!