The Northern Grafton County Republican Committee hosted a booth at the 2022 North Haverhill Fair. Several candidates visited and spent time meeting with our members and voters.
Some highlights from the fair:

The Northern Grafton County Republican Committee hosted a booth at the 2022 North Haverhill Fair. Several candidates visited and spent time meeting with our members and voters.
Some highlights from the fair:
The NGCRC participated in the 2022 Franconia Old Home Day festivities and parade. It was a beautiful display and the parade was a wonderful expression of Franconia’s patriotism and community spirit. Thank you to the Candidates who joined us! Some photos are below:
The Northern Grafton County Republican Committee will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday, July 12, 2022 at the Littleton Elks Club, Lodge #1831 located at 42 Main Street, Route 302, Bethlehem, NH. Socializing and refreshments will be at 6:00 PM, and the meeting will begin at 6:30 PM. Our guests will be Carrie Gendreau, Candidate, NH State Senate, District 1; Glenn Libby, Candidate, Grafton County Commissioner, District 2.
Come meet these candidates and ask a question or two.
Who doesn’t like a parade?!!!! A parade is great FUN!!! I’m sure you remember the excitement and exhilaration you felt when you saw your first parade? Imagine that same excitement and exhilaration you will feel by being an actual participant in a parade with everybody waving to you, smiling at you, giving you such positive and welcoming shouts!! It is great FUN!!!
The NGCRC has voted to participate in 2 area parades in July like we did last year…the Woodsville Parade on Monday, July 4th and the Franconia Old Home Days (Booth & Parade) on Saturday, July 9th. Both are very short distances, but the streets we travel are filled with hundreds and hundreds of voters!!
Don’t let the Deleterious Democrats out-number us!!
These parades are opportunities to BRING US TOGETHER…. to further proclaim our CAUSE (election of Republicans to local, county, state, and national office).
Further, these parades showcase our presence to the general public which helps further enhance our membership numbers. Additionally, it shines a “light” on the ‘closet Republicans’ and like-minded Conservatives who are afraid to “come out.”
We need our NGCRC Members & Friends to participate in one, or the other parade, or both.
Please let NGCRC Vice Chairwoman Janice Novak (603) 823-5011, or know in which one you will participate, and, if you will drive a vehicle.
Candidates can be part of our group by driving a vehicle (vehicles should be decorated in a Patriotic manner, or the theme of the parade!) ,or walking, thus allowing all voters see the candidate. Carry your yard signs, banners, etc.
The theme of the Woodsville 4th of July Parade is: Sights and Sounds of the USA; while the theme of the Franconia Old Home Days Parade is: Luau.
Woodsville 4th of July Parade Monday, July 4th details: starts at: Woodsville Elementary School (across from Shiloh’s Restaurant); line up: 10:00 am; start: 11:00am; parade route Main Street through Woodsville to Wells River, VT (over the bridge).
Franconia Old Home Days Parade & Booth (we need somebody to “man” “woman” the booth while we leave to line up for the parade) next to Abbey Greenleaf Library; set-up: 9:00 am; parade line-up: 11:00 am. Parade route through Franconia.
Yours in The Cause to elect Republicans,
and Keep New Hampshire RED!
Dear NGCRC Member,
Just a brief reminder that we will be hosting another NGCRC- first-ever-event, “Gubernatorial Presentation” of the two GOP Primary candidates, Thad Riley and Karen Testerman at our up-coming NGCRC Meeting, Monday night, April 11, 2022 at the Littleton Elks Lodge, #1831, 42 Main St., Rte. 302, Bethlehem, NH. Our Social ½ Hour begins at 6:00 pm, and our main event starts promptly at 6:30 pm after our customary Opening Exercises. Unfortunately, Governor Sununu has a scheduling conflict, and won’t be present.
Each candidate will give a 3-minute introductory presentation, and then answer random questions from the floor, namely from you on an alternating basis. Each candidate will have 1-minute to answer individual questions. Candidate responses will be timed, and each candidate will be alerted (by a bell) with a 2 ½ minute warning, and a 3-minute cut-off for their introduction. Each candidate will be alerted (by a bell) at 1/2 -minute warning, and, similarly at 1-minute for the cut-off their individual responses. I anticipate inviting questions for each candidate from you, the voter and taxpayer, on a rotational basis so no one candidate gets ”dumped upon” with all the questions going to one candidate only.
You may think the times allotted are short, but this format will help each candidate to be succinct thereby allowing us to cover many categories of questions. It will also be good practice for all three GOP Primary contests, in which the next two contests contain 6 and 7 candidates, respectively.
There are many issues facing the New Hampshire voter (you) in the up-coming November election. For example, legalization of “pot,” abortion, taxes, voter integrity, mask mandates, rising gas prices, “Green energy,” open meetings/ZOOM meetings, health benefits, CRT, Second Amendment Rights and the right to keep and bear arms, cluster housing and zoning, immigration, First Amendment rights, and the list goes on and on. THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO ASK YOUR QUESTIONS & HAVE YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED! IF YOU DON’T SPEAK UP NOW, DON’T COMPLAIN LATER!! Please do your homework, and come prepared to ask questions!
With permission from the Elks Lodge management, I have invited each candidate to put up their lawn signs on the Elks property which is to be removed by the candidate or candidate’s staff immediately after this presentation. Also, candidates may place their political literature on tables in the corridor leading to our meeting room.
The NGCRC will be conducting similar presentations for the GOP Primary Senate candidates on Monday, May 9th and similarly GOP Primary Congressional candidates on Monday, June 13th.
Hope to see you tomorrow night, Monday, April 11, 2022 for this important demonstration of democracy!
Yours in The Cause to elect Republicans,
and Keep New Hampshire RED!
Nick De Mayo, M. Ed., NGCRC, Chairman
Boycott Nancy Pelosi’s NAPA Valley vineyards by boycotting NAPA Valley wines!
Our next NGCRC Meeting will be held this-coming Monday night, March 14, 2022 at the Littleton Elks Lodge, #1831, 42 Main St., Rte 302, Bethlehem, NH commencing at 6:00 pm with our Social ½ Hour featuring delicious fruits and snacks. Thanks to NGCRC Vice Chairwoman, Janice Novak, for organizing this delicious treat, and thanks to all the individuals who have volunteered their time and efforts to provide this unique feature to our monthly meetings.
As always, our Main Presentation begins at 6:30 pm with a few Opening Ceremonies, and then this month’s feature presentation, this eye-opening, documented video entitled “Enemies Within” by New Zealander Trevor Loudon. He has spent many years of his life to study and document this “Deep State story” to the American public. This is a scholarly, well-worth-your-time presentation about the inner workings and behind-the-scenes characters who sit in our Congress and in many other departments of our US Government…making OUR LAWS and spending OUR MONEY!!
Can your U. S. Congressman / woman pass an FBI Background Check? Look closely to see if you see any familiar faces!
No interruptions. No speeches during the video.
NGCRC Gun Raffle Chairwoman, Samantha Cross, will give a Gun Raffle Update after the video.
Nick De Mayo, M. Ed., NGCRC, Chairman
The Northern Grafton County Republican Committee will hold its monthly meeting on Monday, February 14, 2022 at the Littleton Elks Club, Lodge #1831 located at 42 Main Street, Route 302, Bethlehem, NH. Socializing and refreshments will be at 6:00 PM, and the meeting and guest speaker will be at 6:30 PM. NH State Senator Bob Giuda, District 2, will be the guest speaker. Senator Giuda will talk about the 2022 Legislative Update and how people can become involved.
Senator Giuda will instruct people how to use the NH general court website to look up legislation regarding public hearings and other pertinent legislative information. Persons desiring to actively participate may bring their personal computer and log into the WiFi available, and follow along with the visual presentation.
Republicans and Like-Minded Conservatives are Welcome to attend. Interested persons may contact or call 603-823-5011. Keep New Hampshire RED!
For those of you old enough to remember the cause leading up to World War II, you will remember it was the “blitzkrieg war” invasion of Poland by Hitler on September 1, 1939.
For those of you not old enough to know, or those who slept through history classes, let me give you a brief account of the underlying documented situations which led up to the sudden and unprovoked invasion of Poland on that September morning in 1939.
It was “appeasement” on the part of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and the leaders of France and Italy. Some grade school kids may recognize this as situations like “Give me your lunch money, kid, and I promise I (bully kid!) won’t bother you anymore,”… only to have the same or similar situations go on and on with greater catastrophes!
With countries, “appeasement” is a diplomatic policy of granting political, material, or territorial concessions to an aggressive power (bully!) in order to avoid conflict (repercussions on a “weaker nation!). Such is the current situation between Russia (bully!) and Ukraine (“little kid being picked on”!).
The Munich Agreement of Sept. 30, 1938 was supposed to prevent Hitler and the Nazi War Machine from any incursion into Czechoslovakia if Czechoslovakia “gave up” the Sudentenland region to Germany. The Sudentenland is an area where more than 3 million people, mainly ethnic Germans, lived. The Sudentenland had been recognized as a natural border between the Czech and the German states since the early Middle Ages. It provided a natural obstacle from any possible German attack. The Sudentland was of absolute strategic importance to Czechoslovakia!
Germany had started a “low intensity” (“minor incursion” where have we heard that phrase, recently?!) of Czechoslovakia on Sept. 17, 1938. Great Britain and France, which had “alliances,” or “security pacts” with Czechoslovakia, did an “about-face” on those agreements, and formally asked Czechoslovakia to “give up” its territory to Hitler which was followed by Poland (Sept. 21, 1938) and Hungary (Sept. 22, 1938) subsequently giving up some of their territory, also.
The Munich Agreement of Sept. 29-30, 1938 was quickly and peacefully reached on Hitler’s terms, and signed by the Fascist and Nazi leaders of Italy and Germany and the leaders of Great Britain and France. British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, claimed that this agreement promoted “peace for our time” on Sept. 30, 1938. Hitler invaded Poland less than a year later on Sept. 1, 1939 in a “blitzkrieg-type-war” or “lightning war” which culminated 35 days later (Sept. 1, 1939 – Oct. 6, 1939) with the surrender of Poland. Great Britain and France immediately declared war on Germany starting World War II.
The Munich Agreement of Sept., 1938 is widely regarded as a failed act of appeasement, and has become a byword for the futility of appeasing expansionist totalitarian states.
To those living in some countries of Eastern Europe, the Munich Agreement of 1938 has become known as The Munich Betrayal because it allowed Germany and the Third Reich to quickly and peacefully take over Czechoslovakia’s borderlands. It was supposed to be Hitler’s last territorial claim in Europe in order to promote peace. As you can see, this didn’t stop Hitler’s appetite for more territory and greater power. It just delayed the inevitable!
Today, nearly a century later, we have a “bully” in Russia under the reign of Putin. He has slowly and steadily regained control of former Soviet states which claimed their independence after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the breakup of the former Soviet Union. Left unchecked, he will gobble up Eastern Europe, and create another Russian Empire! Former President Ronald Reagan and former Pope John Paul, II must be turning in their graves! Former members of the Polish Solidarity Union must be trembling! These three were the key players in crumbling the walls of the former Soviet Empire!
While Putin may become the Hitler of the 21st century, Biden is certainly the Neville Chamberlain of the 21st Century by his appeasement to Putin of the Nord Stream Pipeline (a natural gas pipeline under the Baltic Sea providing Germany and all of Europe with Russian natural gas, thus enriching Putin with enough money to wage war upon his neighbors as Hitler did less than a century ago!) and not reinforcing our NATO Allies with American military might sooner.
Let’s hope and pray history doesn’t repeat itself!
Nick De Mayo
Sugar Hill, NH
Let’s stop blaming everything on COVID! True, it was the start of things going wrong…people dying, loss of jobs, mask mandates, etc. Thank you, China. Then, Joe Biden came into office.
Look at what is going on. We are being overrun by illegal immigrants. Our borders have been eliminated. The drug cartels are getting richer by the minute, and the drugs here in America have exploded with thousands upon thousands of drug deaths.
Let the immigrants come, however, but let them come LEGALLY! We have enough drug problems, money problems, and stealing and killings, now. Do we need more?
You can say what you want, and you can ignore the problems by “burying your head in the sand,” but it is here! Do we want Socialism? NO! Let’s all get together, and fight this. I know many of you did not like President Donald Trump. However, he DID the job. He loves America!!
Democrats and Republicans look around. Is what President Biden doing OK? His approval rating is 28%!
We NEED TERM LIMITS! Should we continue to give these career politicians all that power? Take Nancy Pelosi, for example, she is a dedicated dictator by being in power for almost 50 years! They make so much money in politics, and then we give them, or should I say, they TAKE a great benefits package – for the rest of their lives!
Republicans should wake up! You say you are upset about what is going on, and then do nothing. In the next election, we need to get rid of the RINO’s! They are NO help to the Republican Party!
Democrats should wake up. Look around you. The stores are empty. No one is stocking the shelves in many of our stores. Many restaurants need servers, and good, experienced professionals as nurses, police, fire, and teachers are quitting because we are giving lots of money at the start of the COVID epidemic, and it’s still going on now! FREE everything! STOP IT!
Why are the Democrats allowing a President (in name only!) to run the country who is incapable of running it by himself! So, who is really “pulling the strings”? It’s all done “behind closed doors”! The Vice President isn’t any better with an approval rating LOWER than the President’s! In addition, many of her staff members are leaving her staff. All she does is laugh at what is going on. Where is she, anyway?
It is sad that the Republicans and the Democrats cannot civilly debate the issues, clearly and understandably so we can all grasp the issues and their positions….for the BETTERMENT of our great country! The Democrats have closed minds. They just don’t want to debate. As Dr. Phil says, “How’s that working for you?!”
The drug cartels have taken over. They are getting extremely rich with open borders. Drugs are destroying our youth! Look around you. We now have a country of Zombies! All they do is sit around, shoot up, and get high.
There are some good Democrats in office who need to speak up, and stop being puppets! Otherwise, we can say “Good-bye” to the country that we have all known. I cannot believe that the Democrats, as smart as they think they are, can really approve of what is going on. Wake up, Democrats!
Why are we thinking of giving illegals $450,000.00 per child of our tax money? I know many Americans who could use that money, themselves, to pay for their sky-high heating bills this winter. That scares me!
President Biden is thinking of shutting down another pipeline. Is this crazy, or what? America has vast reserves of oil, coal (2nd only to China!), and natural gas, and we are begging Saudi Arabia and Russia to pump more oil in order to lower gas prices. Does that make sense? Last year, we were energy independent; now we are begging for help. Democrats are in lock-step with the Biden Administration on this, and many issues. Why? Aren’t they independent thinkers?
We have young people going into stores, stealing whatever they want, and all the owners can do is watch it happen. What are we doing? “Defund the police” has taken over, and the police officers’ hands are tied instead of trying to protect the people they swore an oath to serve. If they try to arrest someone for breaking the law, they are told they are racists, and the criminals are allowed to go free. Take the guy who drove into the Christmas parade marchers in Wisconsin. If his bail were set higher, he wouldn’t have been able to drive through that parade, killing all those innocent people.
California used to be a beautiful state. The governor is incapable of running it. He is one of the Elite, and has shown his people he can do whatever he wants. Who would want to visit California these days? All you see on the streets are tents, drugs, needles everywhere, feces, urination, and pan-handling. The homeless have taken over, and are allowed to do whatever they want. No wonder people are leaving California in droves to re-settle in other states!
The protestors don’t want to just protest. All they want to do is burn the American flag, destroy buildings and statues, loot, and fight.
Why don’t the Elites like Oprah, use her Billions of dollars, and speak up? Why, because they can run away to one of their many houses, and have a great time behind their gated communities, and not think about what is going on in the lives of the rest of us. Obviously, they do not care! Don’t they realize they cannot take their Billions with them when they go? They can give to their many charities, and do good all around the world, but why not start with America? All they would need to do is SPEAK UP! That’s what is needed now. When God comes for them, and He will, what will He say? I gave you talents, and you made Billions, but you destroyed America!
Critical race Theory. Why? Let us be who we are? Who cares what color….we are all children of God!
Let’s all try to get along with each other, and pray, pray for America!
Nick De Mayo, M. Ed.
Sugar Hill, NH
The following letter to the editor was written by our Chairman Nick De Mayo and appeared in the New Hampshire Union Leader on August 26, 2021.
IN OCTOBER 1781, after many bloody years of fighting, the world turned upside-down when British Lt. General Lord Charles Cornwallis surrendered to General George Washington at the Battle of Yorktown in Virginia, pretty much ending the Revolutionary War. Like Joe Biden, who hid and cowered in his camp (Camp David in this case) after his recent loss of Afghanistan to the murderous Taliban, Cornwallis, upon his loss of the American colonies, feigned illness, hid in his camp, and surrendered his sword to Washington via an underling, prompting Washington to appoint an underling to accept Cornwallis’ sword of surrender. America gained its independence while Great Britain lost part of its empire, world-wide prestige and vast political power, not to mention control of the vast natural resources of America … timber, coal, fur, gold, silver, coal, and its talent. The British spent millions of pounds to finance a war that would become the high-water mark of their empire as it marked the beginning of the decline.
Again, the world turned upside-down when Napoleon, on June 18, 1815, lost at the Battle of Waterloo resulting in loss of power and prestige for France, and the ability to more easily export its traditional culture. Similarly, Napoleon was deposed, and France, like Great Britain in the loss of the Revolutionary War, spent much in money and men, and lost much afterwards.
What do we expect of Joe Biden’s fumbling and bumbling with his surrender to the Taliban in Afghanistan? Similar expectations as those which occurred in the first two scenarios?! Let’s look at the facts.
In addition to losing trillions of taxpayers’ dollars in weapons, infrastructure and training over 20 years, thousands of U.S. servicemen and women have lost limbs and lives to this lengthy endeavor. The will of the U.S. military under the present commander in the White House, from the Defense Department to the general staff, seem unwilling to commit to the fight, as was the case with the British after losing in America in 1781 and the French after losing to the British in Belgium in 1815.
Additionally, America has lost influence and prestige around the world with our allies and those we claim to protect through our international treaties. Do you think South Koreans are resting easy with this Middle East fiasco? How about Taiwan (formerly, the island of Formosa named by the Portuguese for “beautiful island”) … do you think the Taiwanese are assured of America’s long-standing commitment to protect their independence from mainland Communist China?
Who is going to trust America after this sudden abandonment of its own citizens, and those who acted as translators, guides and adherents of western culture? What about the safety of those women and girls who were promised human rights, education and western freedoms who were spared from Sharia Law for the last 20 years?
Where are the thousands of voices of the progressives of the Democrat Party who demanded women’s rights for the last 50 or so years? Why are they silent now?
In the words of retired General B.B. Ball:
“America will be known as an unreliable, bankrupt, ex-world power … Traditional friends and allies will no longer look to America for leadership as an example of the strength offered by free, democratic, capitalistic and Judeo-Christian ideals. The age of socialism, communism and dictatorial theocracy is now shadowing the entire globe. Freedom’s Beacon has turned off for the former Free World and all who aspire for liberty. All this at the feeble hands of an incompetent and senile old man guided by unelected, gutless, socialist, anti-American ideologues who control his every move.”
It’s time for Joe Biden to resign, be impeached, or certainly not re-elected. He has demonstrated that he is unfit to hold the crucial office of President of the United States.
New Hampshire voters facilitate the administration’s ineptitude by sending a quartet of liberal, socialist, progressives to Washington. Sens. Jeanne Shaheen and Maggie Hassan and Reps. Chris Pappas and Ann Kuster can be relied upon to always toe the party line and support every destructive Democrat proposal that Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Vice President Kamala Harris, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and The Squad dream up.
These leftists even support communist ideas like “federalizing” our elections, banning voter ID proposals, eliminating the Electoral College…proposals that do not help New Hampshire nor America. Our federal delegates seem to support every stupid, America-destroying notion proposed by the befuddled occupant of the White House. The next fiasco for the New Hampshire and American taxpayer is the $3.5 Trillion Reconciliation Bill, the keystone of Biden’s agenda.
This has to stop! Help New Hampshire and America get back on the right track by changing who we send to Congress. Vote for conservative candidates next time around.
Nick De Mayo, M.Ed., is a retired school teacher and Northern Grafton County Republican Committee chairman. He lives in Sugar Hill.